Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hudson is here!

I am so excited to announce the arrival of our son, Hudson Zachary Bibb, born August 14 at 3:07pm weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and 20.5 inches long.

Here is the story of Hudsons birth:

I was scheduled to be induced on Friday August 14 and Zach and I had both of our families over for dinner Thursday night to celebrate the last night of my pregnancy and Hudson's soon to be arrival.  As soon as Zach's parents left I had my first "real" contraction and ended up going into labor Thursday night.  When we drove to the hospital at 6:30am on Friday morning my contractions were about 7 minutes apart.  They got me all set up in my labor & delivery room, and I met our nurse who happened to be from Coppell!  Her name is Katy Cox and she was an absolute angel~ we were really so blessed to have her from beginning to end of Hudson's labor and delivery.  At 9am my Dr came in to break my water and start me on pitocin to get my labor going, and told me it would probably take about 12 hours for me to delivery.  I immediately started having severe contractions less than a minute apart lasting anywhere from a minute to 90 seconds.  I cannot describe the shocking pain, and after an hour and half I received an epidural which could not have come sooner.  My dr just told me today that I started with contractions that usually don't come until right before you give birth, and I believe him!!  After I received the epidural we were shocked to discover I had dilated from a 2 to a 4 in an hour, and everything went super fast from there.  The next time they checked me an hour later I was a 7, in another hour I was already almost a 10.  My dr told my nurse I could start pushing, and after one push she just smiled and said she needed to go get the dr because he was coming out!!  When my dr came in I pushed 4 times over about 10 minutes and then Zach helped deliver our little boy.  It was the most surreal, amazing, and peaceful experience I have ever or will ever have in my life and I still can't believe how fast it all happened!  

I created a slideshow of pictures of Hudson's big arrival for everyone to see!  Click on the link to check it out (or copy and paste into your browser)

1 comment:

  1. Meredith!! Congrats!!! So excited for you ... beautiful pics!
