Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Start the Countdown!

We are 33 weeks (thats almost eight and half months!) so I am officially starting the countdown!  If we make it all the way to our due date we have seven weeks to go.  Our little boy gains half a pound to a pound EVERY week and I am feeling it big time!!  Last week was a crazy one.  Zach and I went to have a 3d sonogram and in the middle of it I fainted!  Thank God Zach was there to bring me back to life~I'm seriously so lucky that he was there, and it made me realize how much I'm needing him these days!  To top it off the next day I went to dr and fainted in the middle of my appointment!  So embarrassing!  Basically the way he is positioned cuts off the oxygen to my brain when I lay on my back so no more of doing that for me!  Saturday was Tate's first birthday!  We celebrated by spraying him with water in the yard and giving him a bath~ I'm pretty sure it won't be that simple when Hudson's first birthday is here! Here's some of our latest pics, and I'm going to post again soon with baby shower pics!

These maternity pics were taken by my brilliant cousin Andrea~ I think she did a great job!

My sweet little boy~ I love it that we already know his cute sad face!

1 comment:

  1. Meredith,
    I am in tears. I just found out about your blog and cant believe how adorable little Hudson is! I want to see you and the baby once things slow down for you! I think about you all the time. Love you!
