Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Life

My last post was a year ago. So much has happened, so much has changed. We gave birth to our precious daughter Hope Lynne Bibb on January 7, and suddenly life has taken on a whole new direction. I've never been a perfect Mom, and figuring out how to take care of two kids has been no exception. Hope is six weeks old now, and has added so much to our lives already. She has the sweetest eyes that melt my heart completely. She loves to be held, and lights up when any amount of attention is given to her.

Hudson has grown up before my eyes. He is two and a half years old. He is sweet, compassionate, hilarious, and absolutely irresistible!

I didn't realized how hard it would be for me to give up my one on one time with my sweet little man. That has been the hardest part for me so far, and something I struggle with everyday. I miss that with all my heart and know he does too, but I also know that the relationship he and his sister are going to have someday will make this tough transition so worthwhile.

I've feeling thankful beyond words to have my Mom here during this special time in my life. Last July she discovered she had breast and kidney cancer, and I had to face my worst nightmare that I might lose my Mom. She was so brave, faced every obstacle head on, and is cancer free. I learned a lesson in taking people and life for granted; I hope I never lose sight of what's truly important. We named Hope in honor of my Mom.

Hope was born on January 7, the day my Grandmom lost her battle to cancer. I loved my Grandmom beyond words and still think about her and miss her every single day. It seemed so full circle and so special that my Grandmom sent me a little angel on the day she became one. This little necklace was my Grandmom's, and this picture will always mean so much to me.

I know we have lot's in store for our new little family!

1 comment:

  1. Mere - this was such an amazing post and you write so well! I just might've teared up a little bit. :) I love Hope and I hope to meet her soon. LOVE your pictures.
