Monday, February 27, 2012

My sweet man

I thought I would write a little about my sweet sweet boy Hudson. He is sweet, smart, and so so funny. He doesn't complain about all of the attention thats shifted towards his new sister or how much his life has changed. He loves his family with all his little heart. He talks about his family constantly, misses them when they are apart, prays for them, and lights up like its Christmas morning EVERY single time he gets to see them. He starts most sentences with "me", as in "Me don't like that". Whoever teaches him the word "I" will be in serious trouble with me!

He loves watching his favorite shows. I walked in the room and he was SOOOO into watching Team Umizoomi. I love his little posture and look on his face.

He has the best sense of humor in the world and loves to have fun. Right now he is OBSESSED with having anyone and everyone chase him around the house. He will say "Get me Daddy!" and run with all his might. He loves hide and seek, but gives himself away every single time. I mean he literally says "I'm in the kitchen!". He loves getting one of his Uncles to look for "snakes" with him. They look for them, run from them, and then eventually one of the Uncles will need to be the snake chasing him around going "sssssss".

He is so sweet it breaks my heart. If anyone is hurt he is right there trying to help them. He makes everyone feel like a million dollars.
He is two and a half years old and growing up before my eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post for your sweet boy! I just e-mailed you, I hope I got your e-mail address right!
