Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Boy Bibb is on the way!

Well, baby Bibb is on the way and I thought I would start a blog to share pictures, thoughts, and updates of our little man, my growing belly, and all the other fun baby stuff going on in our lives these days.  To start, we are 5 and a half months pregnant and time is flying!!  I get bigger every day, and have fallen head over heels in love with this boy.  Zach and I just picked out the colors and got the paint for the nursery and are planning on painting this weekend!  I'm so excited for his room to be ready and will update again when I have some pics to show of our work!  For now here are a few pics of him and some belly pics- more to come!

   Waving "Hello"- 18 weeks old

Look what a difference five weeks makes!  I know I look like I'm having twins, but our doctor assures us there is just one in there :)


  1. Aaahhhh....Mere, I can't believe it!! You're absolutely beautiful!! Your belly was adorable at 14 weeks, but now, I'm moved to tears! You're so full of joy. It radiates from you. I can't wait for your shower! I love you both and miss you.

  2. mere - you're beautiful! i'm so joyful to see how excited you are! i can't wait to hold that little precious bundle... being the mommy of a baby boy is the best ever!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Mere and Zach-So glad you made this site so we can be updated!! You look great! I am so happy for the two of you and cant wait to meet the little guy!! God Bless.

  4. Mere!! I'm just going to agree with everyone and tell you that you look so beautiful! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you a Zach and this blessing in your life. I can't wait to meet the little man! Yes...I started crying when I saw your week 19 picture...Miss and love you so much!

  5. I am in complete agreement on the beauty. It still surprises me to see you with a tummy. Zach and Meredith - you are soon to be parents. Soon you will understand what God wants you to do while on this earth. I am about to be one of the proudest grandfathers ever. I have been told so many times is just doesn't get better than being a grandparent. To say I am excited is an understatement. I think my stomach has grown more than yours. Baby Bibb is so lucky to have you for parents. Love Ya DAD
